What a great season it's been. We had so many reasons to smile. First, we are so happy that we were able to get in a competitive season and we're very proud of the outcome. "Smile" was the perfect theme for this past summer. During the winter of 2021, we weren't sure if we would even get a season in but we never waivered and just kept moving forward.
The Design team, led by Bobby Jones programmed a show that not only our audience would enjoy but one that our members and staff would have fun teaching/performing. Ok, the chairs were not fun BUT they were a great prop to use that the members could take home each week instead of storing in the truck. Another reason to smile!
Watching the colorguard staff, led by Rob Watson, do their thing all summer was another great reason to Smile. They just seemed to be having so much fun writing and teaching work, and the members in turn had fun and were rewarded for their uplifting performances.
The brass and percussion team were new to Fusion and for some, new to teaching drum corps. Despite that, they pulled it all together and found a way to make it all work. When it was time to head outside, they jumped right in, rolled up their sleeves and got working and at the end of the season, we all smiled in pride as we headed for the field, one last time.......together.
Class of 2021. What a great cast of performers. We wouldn't have been able to do what we did without having members who were willing and able to work through some difficult situations. The lack of a winter program and the Saturday only schedule didn't keep them down or discourage their efforts. Actually, the Saturday only schedule worked well. Our members were able to spend time with family or pick up a Sunday shift. Of course, we wish we had more time, but life is all about BALANCE. Once you find the right balance, you can make anything happen.
Speaking of making anything happen. Huge shout out to The DCA Administration, Box 5 media and my fellow Directors. We started discussions in December of 2020 to vote in a new President and our discussions quickly turned to finding a way to make a competitive season happen during a pandemic. Congrats to all who were part of making this happen. You have one more chance to tune in and watch the DCA Championships, this Sunday, September 4th at 7:00 pm. Visit Box 5 Media and subscribe if you haven't already.
With the ending of one season comes the start of a new season. Come join us at our Open House on October 16th at Jefferson Township High School located at 1010 Weldon Road, Oakridge, NJ. Registration starts at 10:00 am. We hope to see you there. Keep an eye on our website for updates and information.
Thank you everyone for your support. We sincerely appreciate you!